Archbishop Carney Assembly 2701
Archbishop Carney Assembly 2701 is a Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus assembly. Our members come mainly from the members of the Knights of Columbus from three parishes in the Tri-Cities area, namely St. Joseph’s in Port Moody, St. Clare’s in Coquitlam and Our Lady of Assumption in Port Coquitlam. We also have members from other parishes as far away as St. Patrick’s in Maple Ridge as well as Our Lady of Fatima in Coquitlam.
Archbishop Carney Assembly is home to the famous Santa Maria float, which as an elaborate replica of the Santa Maria ship on which Christopher Columbus sailed into the New World. Our float has been featured in parades attended by Knights of Columbus Councils all over the Lower Mainland and even as far away as Abbotsford, Cloverdale and Vernon.
We meet on the 2nd Sunday of every month, at St. Joseph’s in Port Moody, BC. We have an active ladies’ programme who meet at the same time in another area of the church.
Portfolio Snapshots
Philippine’s Disaster Relief November 17, 2013
- Fr. Au’s Installation Mass – St. Joseph’s Port Moody October 27th, 2013 October 28, 2013
- August 18th Barbecue (Assembly 2701 Meeting) August 20, 2013
- Port Moody Centennial Parade – June 22nd, 2013 June 24, 2013
- Installation of Officers and Awards Banquet 2013! June 17, 2013
- Fr. Au’s Installation Mass – St. Joseph’s Port Moody October 27th, 2013 October 28, 2013
Philippine’s Disaster Relief November 17, 2013
- New Executive has been voted in! April 16, 2013
- FN’s Report – Apr 14.2013 April 15, 2013
- The Art of Manliness April 11, 2013
koc2701: Please pray for the family and the soul of SK Lewi...
- Knights of Columbus Council 9846 Port Moody » Fr. Au’s Installation Mass – Oct 27.2013: […] The fourth degree Colour Guard were made...
koc2701: Worthy Sirs, please pray for our Faithful Navigato...
koc2701: Worthy Sirs, Please pray for the soul of Jim Degi...
koc2701: Worthy Sirs: Please pray for the soul of the la...