Pope Francis formally began his ministry as bishop of Rome and as pope by pledging to protect the Catholic Church, the dignity of each person and the beauty of creation, just like St. Joseph protected Mary and Jesus.

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So when does LIFE BEGIN?

"The judge deliberated for a long time. His decision filled 40 typewritten pages. I read it carefully, and it is utterly extraordinary. Dale Young, an unknown judge from the tiny jurisdiction of Maryville, outside Knoxville, Tennessee, wrote definitively that for US common law, human beings begin at conception.”

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Politician: Kill Disabled Children Like We Kill Deformed Lambs

‘If they have a misshapen lamb, they get rid of it,” he said. “They get rid of it. Bang.”

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Archbishop Carney Assembly 2701


 Archbishop Carney Assembly 2701 is a Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus assembly. Our members come  mainly from the members of the Knights of Columbus from three parishes in the Tri-Cities area, namely St. Joseph’s in Port Moody, St. Clare’s in Coquitlam and Our Lady of Assumption in Port Coquitlam. We also have members from other parishes as far away as St. Patrick’s in Maple Ridge as well as Our Lady of Fatima in Coquitlam.

Archbishop Carney Assembly is home to the famous Santa Maria float, which as an elaborate replica of the Santa Maria ship on which Christopher Columbus sailed into the New World. Our float has been featured in parades attended by Knights of Columbus Councils all over the Lower Mainland and even as far away as Abbotsford, Cloverdale and Vernon.

We meet on the 2nd Sunday of every month, at St. Joseph’s in Port Moody, BC. We have an active ladies’ programme who meet at the same time in another area of the church.